Response To Intervention
RtI Coordinators: Christy Sweet
RtI Facilitator: Katey Custer
RtI Aide: Jaki Hinton
AimsWeb Assessment Explained by Mrs. Custer:
AimsWeb Assessment, A More Detailed Explanation:
Bement Community School District #5 utilizes Response to Intervention (RtI) in reading and math for grades K-8. RtI is a nationally known process based on a three-tiered approach to instruction which uses assessments in order to identify student strengths and weaknesses. Each tier provides additional support beyond the core curriculum instruction in the classroom. Those students needing supplemental instruction, or interventions, will be progress monitored bi-weekly or weekly to ensure student growth is taking place. Students will continue to participate in the core curriculum (Tier 1) even if they need the support of Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions. In Tier 1, teachers will use different strategies within the core curriculum to address student needs. Students who are not progressing at an appropriate rate to meet end of year benchmarks in Tier 1, will receive interventions matched to their needs. These Tier 2 interventions take place in a small group setting for at least 40 minutes each week in the general education classroom. If Tier 3 interventions are needed, students will go to the RtI classroom for interventions that will be provided individually or in a small group, 5 days a week. Tier 3 interventions are provided in addition to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction. Interventions occur for a minimum of six weeks, but they may continue as needed in order to insure student success in the core program.
Our school-wide screening tool for reading and math is aimswebPlus. It is administered at the beginning of each school year to all of our K-8 students to aid us in identifying students who currently need Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions. It will be administered two more times during this school year in order to determine the students who are at or above benchmark and students who will need supplemental instruction in order to meet grade level expectations.
Based upon our assessment data from our school-wide screener and other sources, students will receive an extra 40 minutes of strategic interventions each week during the scheduled Tier 2 time in the general education classroom. A variety of intensive interventions will be implemented during Tier 3 instructional periods each day as well. When students have met their on grade level expectations, they will be dismissed from their interventions and return to the regular classroom. Our intervention groups are fluid, and they are adjusted during the year based upon the information provided from assessments. If a student should end up needing additional support later, interventions will be put in place again.
Parents/Guardians will receive RtI reports pertaining to their child following each RtI session. These reports will be sent home with report cards or with your child. If a student did not receive Tier 2 and/or Tier 3 interventions, no report will be sent.
The Bement School District recognizes that all students learn in their own way. We are committed to helping all students succeed. Therefore, we ask for your support in implementing this three-tiered approach to meet the academic needs of your child along with all students in our district. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Sheila Greenwood or Mr. Doug Kepley.