The National Honor Society of Bement High School
Advisor: Mrs. Rachel Halliday
The culminating activity for NHS membership every year has been to contribute to the improvement of the school, leaving it better than it was when they arrived. This year the students chose to beautify the high school campus by planting a redbud tree. The membership this year includes the following senior students: President Caroline Hill, Vice-President Skye Tieman, Secretary Erin Rogers,
Treasurers Joie Auth & Jacob Flach, and Publicist Quinn Flavin. Two other junior members were also instrumental in this project: Gabby Block and Brayden Strack. After calling Julie to be able to dig and finally getting permission, they organized an excursion to Prairie Gardens in Champaign where together they asked questions, discussed options and selected their tree. Noting that “every day is Arbor Day,” on Wednesday, May 1, the tree was planted. Amongst themselves, they decided who would be responsible for keeping the tree watered and taken care of.